Saturday, April 18, 2009


I experienced a moment of familiar intimacy (into-me-see) when I happened to connect today with someone I hadn’t seen in ages. It happened at Barnes & Noble. Since I have my first book signings coming up soon (see my book signing schedule), I thought it would be good to go to someone else's! Today at B&N, Corey Perlman was speaking about his book, eBootCamp. Not only did he provide useful information but turns out his dad is someone I knew ages ago - Mark Perlman, of Nurturing Fathers fame. In reconnecting, there was a delightful sense of knowing each other, having been known, however briefly, at some time in the past.

Reminds me of the time I ran into an old high school acquaintance. There was such a strong sense of reconnecting that we embraced with a big hug. Only after I walked away did I remember that in high school, I couldn't stand the guy! The memory of connection was much more positive than the original relationship had been. Feeling a strong connection with someone doesn't necessarily mean you're meant for each other. However, if you ARE meant for each other, and have chosen each other, then experiencing a strong and intimate connection - over and over again - is what keeps the magic alive in your relationship.

By the way, at the book signing today, one really cool thing that Corey had us do was to chat briefly with other attendees, tell them what we do and ask them how they might search for us on Google. In e-marketing, these searching terms are called "key phrases" and we’re supposed to use them in the content on our websites and blogs so that people can find us. So, if you’re looking to “repair your marriage” or “intimacy help” for your relationship, hopefully this blog or my website will show up!

Thanks for visiting.
~ Diana

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